Our Boy...

Ch. Su Chen's Kiss An Angel Good Morning aka Gabriel

Gabriel is available for standing stud service to Ch. Females within a planned breeding program.

Please contact me to review your female’s background with Gabriel’s background

to determine if they would be improving the breed.

Ch. Su Chen's Kiss An Angel Good Morning

Ch. Su Chen’s Kiss An Angel Good Morning aka Gabriel earned is championship under Dr. John Reeves Newson October 2019. His Sire  is Ch. Wenrick’s SP Pucker Up and Sun Chen’s Poppy Flower XLNTOY. 

He is Praetorian Shih Tzu’s joy and entertainment. He has earned a nick name of “Tigger” because he pops around with a joyous heart.

Praying he would be serious in the ring happened every time we entered. His enthusiasm entering the ring was our challenge to hold him back to his beautiful natural gate.

Our goal was finally realized and we now have fond memories of this endeavering challenge. 

Ch. Su Chen's Kiss An Angel Good Morning aka Gabriel
